Fascism manifests in a society when the people are desperate for stability and a brighter future. Even governments that are supposed to be democracies can become fascist societies. Some characteristics that must be present for a society to be considered fascist are the presence of a strong, charismatic leader and a weak political/economic system. Looking back at Germany during the Weimar years, they were in a severe economic crisis and, although they had a democracy, their political system was also very weak. This allowed, in part, for Hitler and the Nazi party to rise to power because Hitler promised to bring stability to Germany. Additionally, there must be hatred or a common enemy present in the country for it to become a fascist society. Looking back at the Nazi party once again, they put a large amount of emphasis on their hatred towards communists and Jews in order to gain German support to win the election. The German people needed someone to blame for the problems that their country was going through, and the widespread hatred towards Jews that had existed in Europe for centuries previous coupled with the fear of communism due the Russian revolution happening nearby gave the Nazis something to capitalize on throughout their campaign. Additionally, fascism was able to take place in Italy because of their hatred for people who were not Italian. According to “Does American Fascism Exist” from The New Republic, fascism signified Mussolini’s “conviction that the Italian people were stronger when individuals acted as a coherent unit.” This gave reason for the Italian people to unite against anyone who was not Italian, and provided them with a stronger sense of nationalism. People are drawn towards fascism often because it provides a sense of nationalism in uncertain and unstable times. Leaders are able to capitalize on that instability in order to bring the people together with the common goal of a better future as a country. Particularly in Nazi Germany, the country lacked a sense of nationalism after the war because they lost unexpectedly after their government officials had been telling citizens repeatedly that they were winning. In light of these uncertain times, Hitler was able to rise and give people reason to trust their government. Many people blamed Jewish people and communists for their loss of WWI, so part of the Nazi campaign was to gain support in this widespread hatred. Their use of propaganda allowed people who shared this hatred to feel that Hitler agreed with them and wanted the best for Germany, and it made people feel that putting him in a position of power would allow Germans to get back the sense of nationalism that they had lost in the war. The use of propaganda in Nazi Germany highlights the importance of control of the media in the rise of a fascist regime. The Nazis were able to completely control the news that Germans were hearing so that they would be forced to agree with the ideas that Hitler promoted. This is one reason that the argument that America is headed in the direction of neo-fascism can be refuted. As Americans, we have full access to media and information and what we see on social media and the news is not controlled by the government. As a result, we are able to form our own educated opinions about politics, which makes a neo-fascist era difficult to achieve in our country.
Overall, there are many factors, including a strong leader, control of the media, and a common enemy present in order for fascism to manifest itself in a society. If a country has a stable government and a thriving economy, fascism is less likely to take over than if this were not the case. However, there is no society that is completely immune to fascism.