Boston, Massachusetts, US
Posts: 11
Why do societies, especially in times of crisis, turn to fascist ideologies? Fascism is based mainly on authoritarianism and nationalism, as well as the rejection of democracy. Throughout history, we have learned that fascism is able to manifest in societies going through times of crisis due to fear and uncertainty. Although it may be difficult for some to see the appeal, it is essential to consider the conditions that give rise to it. Fascism is usually able to manifest in an unstable society. For example, the Weimar Republic after WWI was especially weak due to the economic problems, political instability, and etc. German citizens were dealing with heavy emotions at the time that made them vulnerable, as some felt hopeless and betrayed by their government. This allowed for leaders such as Hitler to rise to power.
The appeal of fascism is that it seems to give solutions to complex problems. It often promises many great things such as a powerful and united nation and most of the time, those goals and ideals are unattainable. However, fascist leaders know how to exploit the society’s circumstances and the vulnerability of the people. In the Weimar Republic, there were severe economic issues, political divides, and a sense of hopelessness after the war. This made it easier for Hitler to come in and offer a solution and because the citizens were in such a difficult situation, they would rather put their problems into the hands of someone else. Many Germans were also afraid of Jewish people being a threat, and Hitler used that to his advantage to gain favor for fascist ideas such as the suppression of Jewish people in order to bring control back to the nation. Fascism offers people a false sense of security and solution.
Although it is difficult to define what is fascism and what isn’t, there are certain characteristics that are commonly found in fascist societies. For example, fascism needs loyalty to a powerful authoritarian leader. This leader serves as a catalyst and influences large groups of people through hyper-nationalism and propaganda. They often rely on propaganda to control large populations, solidify power and create a sense of unity. Propaganda is able to demonize their “enemies” and scapegoat minority groups to justify their extreme control. Scapegoating also ties in with xenophobia which is the fear of foreign influences. This again further emphasizes a sense of unity and belonging for people who are feeling especially vulnerable. Hyper-nationalism is also used to not only glorify the leader, but also to emphasize a return to their glorious past which is often mythical or exaggerated.
It is difficult to define whether a society is fascist or not because the ideology is adaptable and can be looked at case to case depending on many factors such as specific historical or social circumstances. Many argue that there are current nations that are experiencing a neo-fascist era, for example, the United States. It can be argued that the United States is or is close to neo-fascism because of many factors. For example, president Trump has gained a large following of supporters and goes by his popular saying “Make America Great Again” which can be argued to resemble hyper-nationalism when used by his many supporters. He is also known for speaking out against immigrants and minorities by scapegoating them for the issues the U.S. is facing. Others argue that the U.S. should not be labeled Neo-fascist because we lack totalitarian control since we still have many liberties. Additionally, America has many systems set in place such as the constitution that are against these fascist ideas. Some worry that by labeling the United States as neo-fascist, it can oversimplify the meaning of fascism. In the article Does American Fascism Exist? (New Republic), the author states “ Fascism doesn’t land like a thunderbolt; it creeps, enabled by those who dismiss its warning signs as overblown or alarmist”, which highlights the progressive nature of fascism, describing how it is able to take control slowly rather than overnight. This quote again emphasizes how difficult it is to define fascism and decide whether a society is fascist or not. Fascism’s complexity allows for us to discuss uncomfortable questions about our very own democratic systems but it is crucial to recognize any signs and to stay true to our values.
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, US
Posts: 11
Facism in the modern age
Fascism manifests in societies during times of crisis or instability, offering a sense of power and control to those feeling powerless or marginalized. Fascist regimes are characterized by extreme nationalism, unwavering support for a strong central leader, and an obsession with reclaiming a glorified past. These societies often glorify traditional gender roles, militarism, and ethnic identity while suppressing dissent through propaganda, media control, and the identification of scapegoats. Fascism appeals to people initially because it promises order, unity, and superiority, often by creating a hierarchy that elevates certain groups over others. Historical fascist societies emphasize territorial expansion, anti-intellectualism, and the supremacy of the military, often coupled with violence, terror, and a disregard for human rights. Some Historians believed that facism could be combated with rational thought, “The authors of The Authoritarian Personality, both Adorno and Horkheimer, believed that fascist ideology could be countered by rational thought.” (The Psychology of Fascism) While rationality and Fascism rarely go hand in hand, it's extremely difficult to fight facism with logic when intellect and freewill are targeted. While many fascist regimes emerged from democracies, this structure alone does not safeguard a nation from authoritarianism. Today, some nations exhibit neo-fascist tendencies, such as ultranationalism, leader worship, media manipulation, and hostility toward minorities, reflecting the enduring appeal and dangers of fascist ideology. Historical fascism would never be easily accepted in today's society, so it takes on a more sophisticated ideology. The United States, while a democracy, has exhibited some characteristics that align with elements of fascism at various points in its history. Elements such as intense partisanship, propaganda, and targeted discrimination have raised concerns about creeping authoritarianism. It could be argued that the U.S. remains distinct from fascist regimes due to its checks and balances, civil liberties, and the pluralism inherent in its democratic system, but the US has also set up a system where one group is able to control all branches due to the minority rules system. Since one branch of the US government is led by a single individual, the process of electing this leader can be perceived as imbalanced. A presidential candidate doesn’t need to secure a majority to win a nomination; they only need to outpace their closest competitor. This means a candidate could win with support from less than half of their party, creating a system that potentially allows for leadership that lacks broad consensus even within their own political base. Fascism thrives in environments where democratic structures are weakened or manipulated to concentrate power in a single individual. The U.S. system, which allows for a president to ascend to power with a minority of support during the nomination phase, and sometimes even during the general election via the Electoral College, creates a scenario where a leader with authoritarian tendencies could bypass the need for widespread approval. This could lead to the erosion of checks and balances, as such a leader might feel emboldened to govern unilaterally, prioritizing their loyal base over the will of the majority.
Boston, Massachusetts , US
Posts: 11
Dinner Table Discussion Reflection: Fascism
Fascism has no singular form and transforms based on the society that it manifests in. According to an article, “Does American Fascism Exist”, Fascism “functions as a so-called floating-signifier” meaning that it holds different definitions to different groups of people. The slippery nature of Fascism allows it to take hold in societies stirred up by political unrest. Fascist societies all share similar characteristics but differ in their principals. A Fascist society must contain a strong and influential— perhaps even cult-like — leader, propaganda and control of media, extreme nationalism, militarism, oppression of a targeted minority group, violence, and anti-intellectualism. Some of these characteristics are also commonly found in non-Fascist societies too. Fascism is appealing to ordinary people because of its nature to work to an individual or group’s advantage. Fascist ideology allows for justification of personal beliefs to become political ideology. Take for example the antisemitism during the Germany’s Weimar period and into World War II; this originated from the personal hatred and accusations of Jewish conspiracies which grew after the the end of World War I. The growth of such strong hatred generated the Fascist movement that took over Germany and much of Eastern Europe that worked to promote their previously held biases against Jewish people. This dangerous trust and faith in a movement that promotes hate of another group is appealing for ordinary people who hold grudges or deep biases. Many claim that the United States is currently experiencing Fascism and the recent re-election of President Donald Trump in the 2024 election signifies to many the growth of a Fascist movement in the U.S.. However, the United States has yet to fall into a full Fascist movement because it currently lacks many of the characteristics of a Fascist society. For one there is a lack of dictatorship and tyranny present in the current political structure. However this could change with the new year and the appointment of Donald Trump as the president for the new term combined with the majority Republican House of Representatives and the Senate. This startling imbalance of political views in the United States government indicates the possibility for a growth of dictatorship. Moreover, there’s the possibility of censorship, with the constant justification by politicians of the dangers of social media. While the United States does not appear to be a Fascist society, it is about to be headed by a Fascist leader. This again makes it more probable that Fascism could grow. Another country that may be currently experiencing neo-Fascism is Russia. While Russia is largely known as a Communist country, it actually contains many characteristics of Fascism. This includes dictatorship under Vladimir Putin and the biased propaganda fed to Russian citizens which glorifies the Russian war against Ukraine as righteous and just. Additionally, the intense censorship within Russia keeps Putin in power and prevents political uprisings by creating loyalist from adoring citizens. Russia is also known for its strong military and possession and development of nuclear weapons. There’s also a strong sense of patriotism that ebbs into nationalism which is amplified by propaganda and has led to the worship of Putin as a noble leader rather than a dictator. These characteristics make Russia seem like a neo-Fascist state, however it does lack the extreme violence characterized in Fascist state.
Boston, Massachusetts, US
Posts: 11
Fascism in the Modern Age DTD Reflection
Having held the dinner table discussion regarding how and why facism rises. I arrived at three potential reasons as to why fascism manifests in a society, fear from instability, a rise of anti-intellectualism, and the rise of cults of personality. These beliefs bring the rise of fascism because of how many fascist movements have risen. To use the rise of Nazism in Germany as an example, the Weimar years of the 1920s were greatly unstable and marked with economic uncertainty thus bringing a desire to flee from the instability and return to a supposed “natural order” that the Nazis claimed to offer. The rise of anti-intellectualism was also a common occurrence, where the freedom of press and media was demonized in order to prevent a population from being able to think critically. Lastly with the rise of a cult of personality occurring, bringing a face to the mass movement that arose from the first two. People tend to find fascism appealing for this reason – the feeling of stability at being a part of an in group that could potentially bring out a way to escape the hardships of current times. It is also why we see these fascist parties intensely glorify the past as people tend to see those times as better than the present, despite the hardships and shortcomings that those times bring as well.
Around the world, we have been seeing the rise of neo fascist movements – to connect it with my own country, I see MAGA as a fascist movement, my reasoning being that it fits into the above criteria mentioned, where many have felt the economic hardships of the past years and felt the need to remove the current system and embrace change. We see Donald Trump consistently create an in-group and out-group, emphasizing American superiority and being increasingly hostile to women and ethnic, religious, and sexual minorities. Trump is famous for his frequent demonization of the press and his accusations of “fake news” when he is criticized, while a cult of personality has clearly formed because of his portrayal of him being, an “American for Americans”, fighting against the elites despite really targeting those who are already victims of the system. The MAGA movement is not unique however, rises in far-right movements in other parts of the world, most notably Europe with the rise of leaders like Viktor Orbán in Hungary and Giorgia Meloni in Italy employ many of these aforementioned tactics and have gained even more power than Trump has. These leaders have been gaining power and supporting each other, with the New York Times claiming that “Mr. Orban had banked on a Trump victory to show that he and Hungary are not isolated, analysts said.” Orbán has been anti-immigrant since his rise, demonizing migrants, similar to Trump and has emphasized the power and superiority of Hungary – all notable components of fascism. In Italy, Meloni has emphasized similar beliefs, emphasizing the superiority of Italy and a traditional order. The country made headlines last year when it became effectively impossible for gay couples to have themselves both listed on their child’s birth certificates, with some even losing their parental rights over their own children.
Movements like these tend to be built up gradually, with the Nazis implementing policies gradually over a long period of time in order to prevent outrage. These parallels are seen with this as well, with it being hard to keep up with this insane news because of all of the insane and extremist things these far right parties are doing. That being said, despite the rise of neo-fascism in the past few years, I am still trying to hold out hope that we may be able to defeat it, but it will be hard. There is still a large culture of resistance, but one needs to avoid it and not be afraid to protest and critique what is being said and instead need to focus on being resistant and refusing to allow this standard set by these far-right parties to stay.
Boston, Massachusetts, US
Posts: 11
The main reason that facism has the ability to manifest into a society is because that society is vulnerable to radical ideas. When a country is vulnerable, and people are unsatisfied with their way of life, they start to become desperate to get out of that hole. A country usually gets there when their government and economy becomes unstable. When people have that mentality, fascist groups can easily take advantage of that to push their agenda. A big reason that they work is because a lot of times fascist groups are based on myths that give superiority to the majority. The Psychology of Facism touches on this topic stating that, “It degrades the roles of freedom and individual human rights and promotes national myths and legends”(The Psychology of Fascism 71). People tend to believe these myths, or use them because it gives them more of a sense of purpose, and makes them feel better about their current life. They also give people the opportunity to better their way of life. This mentality is the reason groups like the Nazi start to grow. Many Germans were desperate and ashamed of their country after WWI, so Nazi ideals gave them a way to feel better not only about themselves, but their country. All of these feelings are why facism works, they give people a way out of that shame and to find a way to be proud of who they are, while bringing down other groups. I also believe that people find this appealing because all of these lies make an individual feel better about themselves, and especially if your own government promotes that you are better and you have lower self esteem, many will follow it. Also, when they start to feel better, it becomes harder for them to recognize the group of people they are putting down to get there.
Another reason that facism manifests is the gradual series of events before it goes too far. Fascist societies do not just apply their strong views and goals right away, they slowly get there, so that people are blinded by their actions. Nazi Germany happened because all of the actions happened slowly and not all at once. Even in The Wave movie, you can see the class slowly getting worse and worse, leading many students to be blinded by the actions they are doing, just like people in Nazi Germany. This becomes dangerous because people are not going to be aware of the harm fascist ideas are causing the minority. Maybe people can actually see it, but it is easier for them to just wait it out and place the blame on others. The waiting something out method ties so closely with gradual worsening because when someone does this, every time something new happens a person would make themselves feel better, saying things like it will not get a lot worse, or if we wait, then it will go back down. Countless used this to look at Nazi Germany, and because of that, they let the party slowly persecute Jews, and let the Holocaust happen.
Boston, Massachusetts, US
Posts: 11
Fascism manifests in a society through unrest and manipulation. It’s often used as a last resort in times of dire need, which could be part of the reason why fascism is so hated: it shows a powerful country’s worst fears for itself in real life. A prime example of a fascist society is at the end of the Weimar Republic and beginning of Nazi Germany, where there was huge hyperinflation, rapidly growing antisemitism, and no stable central government, so there was lots of warring between political parties, with communists being the most hated. Everyone saw each other as an enemy, and it was easy for Hitler and the Nazis to prey on the feelings in this time of crisis, especially by using antisemitism to unite the German people against a common enemy, and in Germany’s case, it was Jewish people, despite them being less than 1 percent of the population and not having much sway over German politics.
Fascism manifests because the people in a country don’t have anything else to turn to. They could also feel like their previous government failed them and so they have to turn to other options, or in the case of the Weimar Republic, they miss the stable autocracy that was before World War I. For a society to be considered fascist, it has to have a strong autocratic leader and totalitarian state, military superiority, emphasis on the past and how the state will return to that, identification of a group as responsible for all the nation’s problems, return to traditional gender roles, lack of human rights, and violence and terror. The strong, autocratic leader is one of the most necessary aspects, especially at the beginning of a fascist reign. The aspects of fascist society that people initially find appealing are the control over politics and society that differ so much from the previous chaos, and the joining of different groups in society against a common enemy.
There are definitely nations that are experiencing a neo-fascist era, especially Afghanistan. Women in Afghanistan have numerous laws against them, such as being required to be fully covered in public, not being able to have access to education, and most notably, the law that prohibits them from hearing each others’ voices in public. Another example of a country that has neo-fascist aspects is Iran, which has banned books, similar to the US, and not translated into Persian even books that are written by Iranian authors. Fascist aspects can be seen in North Korea as well, with its authoritarian leader and extremely strict totalitarian regime, but also in the United States and across Europe. In the New York Times article titled “With Trump’s Victory, Europe’s Populist Sees Return of a Fellow Believer”, it says, “For Mr. Orban and like-minded populist European politicians in Germany, the Netherlands, Serbia and elsewhere, this week’s election not only returned a fellow believer in tough immigration policies to the White House.” Populist, or far-right, leaders like Viktor Orban, Donald Trump, and Giorgia Meloni, are known for being very anti-immigration, even going so far as to build high walls guarded by soldiers to keep immigrants out in Hungary’s case, or proposing a plan to send immigrants to detention camps in Albania in Italy’s case.
South Boston, Massachusetts , US
Posts: 9
Fascism in the Modern Age
Fascism manifests in a society where people do not have a strong sense of self or values. When authoritarian leaders take over and change the world so drastically, some people will speak up, while others won't. Fascism takes hold in societies like this, as the majority of citizens will blindly follow the rules of the regime. After a scramble for power or a time of political chaos, people look to someone who will "save" their nation. When a charismatic leader emerges, masses are much more likely to follow them, as they are looking to anyone with strong ideas. It is much more appealing to not think or deal with difficult questions. Society is extremely complicated and many mistakes are constantly made when running a country. When a trusted leader begins to take more control, citizens let them take the reins and sit back while decisions are made. After a while, the leader's word becomes law and it is the norm to have them dictate everything.
Ultranationalism must be present in a fascist society. Citizens become insanely obsessed with their nation and are willing to do anything for it. They must also worship their leader, doing whatever they say, following their agenda, and trusting them blindly. For fascism to work, there must be a common enemy. Different people are seen as sabotaging the great nation, uniting people against a common enemy, a minority group who typically isn't a genuine threat. The government and media must control what the public sees, spreading propaganda and pushing a fascist regime. Obsession with enemies is the most dangerous to ordinary people, as it insinuates violence and terror. People who are the minority will be targeted and possibly harmed for something that is only a rumor. However, not all nations with these characteristics are fascist. Citizens can simply be patriotic or nationalistic. There is nothing wrong with loving where you come from and wanting the best for your people. Having a charismatic leader is a good thing-- someone, a good guy, who will make a change you support. If someone is a threat to the nation where you live and love, you rightfully want them out. The government protects citizens from seeing the dirty work, things that must be done to keep a nation safe.
I believe many of these attributes actually make a nation stronger. It is important to have a drive and fever to preserve the place you live. Many societies today, especially in America, are torn between whether pride is a good or a bad thing. I feel it has become a new trend to hate the US and the way it is governed, overlooking the many freedoms and human rights we are granted. In other countries, this class would be unfathomable and immediately terminated. It becomes difficult to determine when these characteristics go "too far," or when nationalism gets out of hand. However, it is where violence ensues where situations take a turn. The enemy in a fascist society is not the enemy at all. Minorities are made out to be an evil that must be defeated, uniting individuals under common hatred and malice. Myths and stereotypes inflict harm on innocent people, possibly spiralling into something more. Perhaps a fascist society without a common enemy would be stable and prosperous, however, then it would not be a fascist society. Furthermore, who is to say that all of the other characteristics would not eventually hone in on yet another scapegoat to oppress.
Boston, Massachusetts, US
Posts: 11
Fascism in the Modern Age
Facism manifests in society as a solution after a period of extreme chaos, becoming a swing in the completely opposite direction, to the point of extreme order at times limiting self-expression and certain human rights. It presents itself as a result of political, social, or economic turmoil causing civic unrest, offering control and stability to the majority population. It can be particularly appealing during times of hardship because it brings about a promise of betterment and improvement and a shift in responsibility for the troubles of the country onto a minority group. A charismatic leader with promise to restore the country to its former glory, highlighting the greatness and honorability of the past, is likely to garner more support after a time of difficulty when people wish to go back to the old ways. Furthermore, the shift of blame onto a minority gives people a cause to be angry with and a reason for the troubles of the nation, by giving them an enemy to unite against the leader blinds them to the actual power of the government and gains fervent support. It is generally thought that in order for a state to be fascist it needs a few key components such as ultra nationalism to the point of exclusionary beliefs, fanatical worship and support of a leader, an obsession with an enemy from within, creating an inherent distrust in those around you, anti-intellectualism, and more. Furthermore, the extreme exclusionary nationalism leads to anti-immigrant sentiments amongst people, often justified under the argument of religion or enlightenment ideals, not necessarily founded in truth. The combination of all of these factors leads to a society with an inherent paranoia of those surrounding you and a restrictive atmosphere that limits individualism. Recently trends are showing that many governments, especially in parts of the east, are skewing towards right-wing policies and politics, which can often be a precursor to facism due to their nationalistic or patriotic tendencies. Jon Henley, a European correspondent for The Guardian, describes the political climate in Europe and their lean towards the far right ideologies. “Some [countries], particularly in central and eastern Europe, are socially ultra-conservative, promoting the concepts of duty, patriotism and traditional values, family structures, gender roles and sexual relations. Increasingly, many are also climate-sceptic, either rejecting the science of climate change entirely or resisting and seeking to delay efforts towards the green transition.” (Henley) The movement across Europe towards an “ultra conservative” government, while not inherently fascist, could easily descend into a fascist state due to the extreme exclusionary political policies and the removal of checks and balances such as France’s future disbandment of the parliament after a crushing loss to the prominent right wing party in the recent election. In addition to this, the rejection of climate change, a scientifically proven concept, is a clear example of anti-intellectual sentiments which could not only endanger scientific progression but also the entire state of the world with rapidly changing biomes and environments, affecting the global population. Overall, fascism has a global effect regardless of where it occurs, with no government immune to its ideas, and while the appeal can be understood the dangers outweigh any possible upsides.
Brighton, MA, US
Posts: 11
Fascism in Modern Age : The Philosophical Yap
Cymothoa exigua, a common marine parasite that goes through the gills of the fish undetected and replaces the tongue with the fish with itself, feeded off what the fish eats till it dies. Fascism is much like this sort of parasite, in which it riggles its way into society without anyone noticing and as it grows and grows it itself becomes a core of that society. If met with resistance, often death ensues. Politicians don’t scream out that fascism is what their country needs and citizens don’t yell back in symphony “For Fascism!” neither. People don’t necessarily support fascism by name but simply put, people are idiotic and thinking is hard so fascism makes people’s lives easier because they don’t have to think for themselves. People are simple minded and often think on a base level and their main motive to support a politician, especially in America, is how well their beliefs align with their own as well as what policies can most benefit them as an individual. Humans at their core are selfish creatures so selfish actions are what we will do. In fascist societies a line will be made, a distinction of sorts, between who are the “good” vs the “bad”. It’s essentially making teams for a highschool dodgeball game where who is on whose team is arbitrarily picked, with the only caveat being that the two groups share some key difference. It is meant to create this power dynamic, to breed disdain for one another, a disdain and hate that people never knew even existed. Humans are apex predators, naturally we feel the desire to be powerful to have influence because often in societies made to be equal, that feeling of power doesn’t exist. Rules will be made, laws passed that advantage one group over the other. Again, humans are selfish beings, many have a thought process of, “Oh if it doesn’t affect me, then why does it matter?”. People begin to idolize this figure who gives them such a euphoric feeling of power over the oppressed group, to them, that leader is like a god who hath bestoweth the power upon thou. Hate is often stronger than love, and with that level and mass of hate, no love can be heard. As said in Kenneth Feigenbaum’s “The Psychology of Fascism: Wilhelm Reich Et Al” the, “Interest in money and power is a substitute for unfulfilled happiness in love, supported by the biologic rigidity of masses of people” (Feigenbaum 73). People begin to associate this power with these leaders and surrounding these leaders, societies are created with individuals willing to do anything to appease their Aztec gods, namely a tradition being human sacrifice. Now ultimately, these “gods” are no less human than the ones who worship them. That means greed, power, and selfishness will overtake them. What started as small little policies that affected a minority population, now turns to policies of mass control and tyranny. These people can only stand and watch as their world crumbles as their gods enact their wrath, for they are already knee-deep in the blood of the oppressed. Seemingly out of thin air, the control now all resides in a select few hands who helicopter over their society to ensure that they stay in power. Opinions are now fossils, and if one even dares to hold their measly opinion that sides not with the fascist ideals, well then now they must of have been corrupted by that treacherous “bad group”, what a shame, only death awaits for the weak minded. Death is the only place for dissenters and living a bad life is better than living no life at all. Ironic in a way, the leaders rose to power only by the will of their entourage of supporters. The supporters only followed them for the feeling of advantage and power the leaders gave, but now the people’s power is no longer theirs to use, it is the leader’s. As Kenneth Feigenbaum said in “The Psychology of Fascism: Wilhelm Reich Et Al” to summarize what Reich believed he stated that, “Humanity is biologically sick” (Feigenbaum 73).